The American Society of Travel agents changed their name to the American Society of Travel Advisors. This name change is a reflection of how the internet has pushed travel agents to evolve into advisors. Travel advisors work hard to take a trip to the next level with all that they have to offer their clients.

Travel advisors can do so much for their clients, and here are the 4 ways they do it.
As An Advocate When someone hires a travel advisor, they create a team that has one goal; to make the trip the best trip that it can be. A travel advisor is an advocate for their client to make sure that the trip is fantastic, memorable, and that it goes off without a hitch. Most travel advisors will stay in contact with their clients throughout their trip to make sure that everything is perfect.
With Their Connections One of the things that clients count on is all of the connections that a travel advisor has spent their career establishing. Travel advisors work hard to create a valuable network with hotels, airlines, vendors, tour companies, and cruise lines. Their clients can reap all of the benefits that this network provides.
As Problem Solvers Anyone who has ever taken a trip can tell you that something will go wrong, no matter what. When a client has a travel advisor on their team, they have someone that is a professional at addressing these problems and getting them solved quickly without causing any disruption to the rest of the trip. A travel advisor is a client's ace-in-the-hole when issues arise.
By Creating An Experience Most people plan a trip that is going to be the best for their budget, but is that going to be the best value? When a client is looking to take a trip and create a fantastic experience, a travel advisor can help them create a trip that is going to be worth the money. Travel advisors work to develop an experience for their clients and they know that spending a little more money on the trip is going to make all the difference.
The internet changed the world as we know it today. It has touched every industry, especially the travel industry. Travel advisors use all of their skills and expertise to help their clients create the trip of a lifetime. They know all of the tricks, secrets, and they have access to deals that their clients would never have access to otherwise. Hiring a travel advisor is not an added cost; it is an investment in the trip.